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Research Faculty

Browse a list of research faculty members in Northwestern University's Department of Pathology and visit their profiles to learn more about their research projects.

LaBoy, Carissa

LaBoy, Carissa

Assistant Professor, Pathology (Breast Pathology)

Lee, John C

Lee, John C

Clinical Assistant Professor, Pathology

Leuer, Katrin

Leuer, Katrin

Assistant Professor, Pathology (Pediatric Pathology)

Levin, Stephen I

Levin, Stephen I

Research Assistant Professor, Pathology

Liechty, Emma

Liechty, Emma

Research Assistant Professor, Pathology

Lin, Xiaoqi

Lin, Xiaoqi

Professor, Pathology (Cytopathology), Pathology (Thoracic Pathology)

Lindholm, Paul F

Lindholm, Paul F

Professor, Pathology (Hemostasis), Pathology (Transfusion Medicine)

Liu, Yijie

Liu, Yijie

Assistant Professor, Pathology (Hematopathology)

Lomasney, Jon W

Lomasney, Jon W

Associate Professor, Pathology (Autopsy), Pharmacology, Pathology (Cardiac Pathology)

Lu, Xinyan

Lu, Xinyan

Professor, Pathology (Cytogenetics)

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